ATHENS, Greece (AP) — At least
two people drowned and about 30 are missing after two boats crammed with
immigrants bound for Greece sank in the eastern Aegean Sea before dawn
Monday in the third fatal accident of the sort this year, authorities
The vessels with
immigrants seeking to enter Greece illegally foundered about 4 miles
north of the island of Samos near the Turkish coast, the Greek coast
guard said. It said 36 people were rescued from the sea.
According to survivors, up to 65 people were on the two vessels, the coast guard said.
It said the circumstances of the twin sinking were unclear as weather conditions in the area were not severe.
guard vessels, fishing boats and two search and rescue helicopters were
combing the area for more survivors. A cruise ship that participated
for several hours in the operation was later cleared to continue its
The nationalities of the migrants were unknown.
is a major entry point for people from poor or war-torn parts of Asia
and Africa seeking a better life in the European Union. Fatal accidents
are frequent as migrants risk the dangerous sea crossing from Turkey.
21 people have drowned in two accidents since the beginning of the
year. Over the weekend Greek coastguards rescued about 250 immigrants
from the sea.
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